Attraction Masterclass


Attraction Masterclass

is a gift you give to yourself,

and a gift we give to you!

There is an art and a science to attraction.

What if…

The art of attraction is about feelings. 

And, the science of attraction is about what happens when certain feelings and thoughts mix.


The way certain thoughts and feelings mix is what creates different amounts of alignment.


High alignment.

High attraction.


Low alignment.

Low attraction.

In the Attraction Masterclass

we will explore what actually creates alignment, attraction, and chemistry.

You will feel, and understand the how and why of attraction.

There are many types of attraction;

  • Physical. 
  • Emotional.
  • Social, and more…

Relationships begin with Attraction.

If attraction persists, then intimacy has a chance to develop.

If intimacy develops, then a partnership has a chance to develop.


In the Attraction Masterclass, we will explore the core factors that contribute to the sustainability of attraction, intimacy, and partnership.

To be invited to the next 

Attraction Masterclass 

designed by, and presented live on Zoom,

by LOVE CAMPUS founder, 

Joseph Patrick Faust, 

text “Attraction Masterclass”, 

and your email address:


Attraction Masterclass also prepares you for the optimal experience in the Best Life Masterclass.